She worked out a sketch, we started googling (I say “we” because nope, we don’t let our kid google by herself) and eventually Sophie’s invention came up to be made of just two things: velcro loops and a stretchy cord. (Those are links to the actual products we bought, so you can make your own!) My husband actually found the cord—it is used for spear fishing, so it stretches really far! All total the supplies cost just about $12. And what they resulted in was this: Sophie’s Baby Forget-Me-Not.
Check out the video below to see how it works!
Sophie’s not selling her invention, but she doesn’t mind if you copy her design—she wants parents everywhere to make these simple devices and use them every day to ensure no one ever accidentally leaves their babies in the car again.
I know she’s my daughter and I’m biased, but I’m pretty proud of this girl!
If you’re inspired by Sophie’s invention, please share this post on Facebook!