Nothing Prepares Us for the Carrying Power of a Son

When gazing at our newborn son for the first time, the petite features, cherub fingers and toes, and pint-sized frame that fits between our hand and elbow all captivate our inner everything. Although we know our baby will grow up to be big and strong, we experience profound contentment in his present smallness and vulnerability.

There’s a certain sense of relief in our role of nurturer and protector as a boy mom. These precious beginning years are the lifeblood of our mother/son relationship when we can be strong, brave, and resilient on their behalf. Someday soon enough, our little boys will become men in a world where they are called upon to protect, provide, and persevere. But for now, we are grateful to carry the load.

We can see into the future, after all. A place where the demands of society will attempt to solidify the mushy center our sons embody during their carefree childhood. As mommas, we’ll do anything to stay the bent toward such treasured tenderness. We’ll slay dragons if that’s what it takes to guard their innocence.

But, alas, despite our best attempts to keep them little, one day we wake up and our sons stand eye-to-eye or tower above us all together. As we gaze at their mature features, developed fingers and toes, and sturdy frame, our mom heart melts through the bottom of the cake cone. Even though we can no longer cradle our gentle giant, we know our little man and all his bright-eyed innocence remains.

Shelby Spear
Shelby Spear
Shelby is a sappy soul whisperer, sarcasm aficionado, and pro-LOVE, Jesus adoring mom of 3 Millennials writing stuff & doing life with her hubby of 25 years. You can read her stories on her blog at, around the web, and in print at Guideposts. Shelby's new book, co-authored with Lisa Leshaw, is now available: How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don't need to say, "I'm fine.")

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