No One Tells You How Much You’ll Miss the Mess When Your Kids Leave Home

Seeing your foyer filled with overnight bags from all three of your kids and new daughter-in-love unleashes all the feels because a full house means a full heart.

You don’t realize when you are deep in the weeds with littles how much you will miss the mess.

You don’t realize until you live in an empty home where only memories echo off the walls how much you will miss the noise.

You don’t realize when you are dog tired from running three kids all over creation how much you will miss the chaos.

The moments when the mess, the noise, and the chaos make their way back into your life feel like an IV drip for your soul. The slow drip hydrates the empty spaces and infuses new life into your being as you stuff new memories into your heart.

Shelby Spear
Shelby Spear
Shelby is a sappy soul whisperer, sarcasm aficionado, and pro-LOVE, Jesus adoring mom of 3 Millennials writing stuff & doing life with her hubby of 25 years. You can read her stories on her blog at, around the web, and in print at Guideposts. Shelby's new book, co-authored with Lisa Leshaw, is now available: How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don't need to say, "I'm fine.")

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