Middle school is arguably the most awkward time in anyone’s life. You’re no longer a child, but you’re also not a teenager or adult. Puberty has graced you with its presence, and navigating your identity is a daily struggle.
A 7th grader from Arizona is being praised for shedding some honest light on what goes through the mind of a 12 year old girl.
Olivia Vella was assigned the project of creating a slam poem about something she was passionate about.
Her performance, “Why Am I Not Good Enough,” became a rally cry across the Internet after her raw and honest words resonated with people far beyond her classroom walls.
“One. Take a shower. You don’t want to smell.
Two. Pick out an outfit that will fit in with the latest trends, and won’t make you the laughing-stock of the school—more than you already are.
Three. Put on some makeup so you can actually show your face in public and be a little bit pretty.”
Olivia broke down the inner struggles of what it’s like to be a girl in this world with just 12 steps. Twelve negatively fueled conversations with yourself that start at a young age—and for many women, don’t ever stop running through our heads.
They say the loudest voice in your head is the one you listen to the most—and more often than not, that voice is yours.