This Teen’s Obituary Is Going Viral—and We All Need to Read It to Our Kids

We have to teach our kids that their words and actions MATTER. That there’s no such thing as “harmless” bullying, and that extending love and kindness instead of rejection and ridicule can make ALL the difference for a soul in need of it.

And empathy, parents, empathy. We HAVE to instill in our kids the ability to ask themselves “What would if I feel like if someone said or did that to me?”

As Sadie’s obituary proves, how we teach our kids to treat (or not treat) others can be the difference between life and death.

Let’s honor Sadie’s family’s wishes and BE KIND.

I pray you rest in Jesus’ arms, Sadie. And I’m praying so hard for your sweet family.


This post was originally published June 23, 2017. The post has been updated. 

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Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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