Dear Mama: It’s Time to Rise Up and Stand Down

Some believe the older we get, the more introspective we become.

Likely so.

But if you want to learn the most about yourself, take a look at your child.

Rearing these treasured beings has made me more self-aware than any other life experience.

Yes, watching my little ones develop is like holding a magnifying glass to my personal psyche.

It’s just as terrifying as it sounds.

So naturally, we endeavor to nudge and influence our precious offspring away from whatever weaknesses and insecurities we as parents see in ourselves. We bend our babes toward the strength and good we personally hope to attain. We shelter them from risks and harms we individually experienced or seek to avoid.

We insert ourselves in our children’s development, to create the best life experience for them, to shield them from imperfections.

Nothing is wrong with hands-on parenting. This world needs engaged parents more than ever. Our babies flourish when we actively participate in their lives.

That’s a no-brainer.

But what about the moments where we need to stand down?

The moments where, as a mom, I exercise self-restraint and deliberately avoid intervening in a less-than-ideal situation, so my child can develop.

As a recovering idealist, I cringe.  Though context is essential–because I’m merely referring to limited situations where children are safely learning and gaining independence. I am absolutely not talking about situations where my child might be in danger of harm.

And I’m mostly preaching to myself, here.

Because I want my child to be the best he can be.

Because I want my child to have a pleasant existence.

Paige Pippin
Paige Pippin
Paige Pippin is a wife, mama, attorney, and blogger. For more laughter and encouragement, visit

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