The 9 Best Reasons to Live In a House Full of Boys

7) I am the Queen Bee

This goes along with number 6, but is slightly different. There are days when it’s very nice to be the only gal in town!

8) Sticks

Seriously, it doesn’t take much to entertain this crew. Throw a bunch of sticks in the backyard and I’ve got myself a free afternoon.

9) The chance to raise my boys into the kind of men I want to see in the world

When you look around the world, you can easily see how much damage a few bad men can do in the world. (Apparently, testosterone can have a negative effect on peacemaking.)

We have the chance to raise the kind of men who will build up the world instead of tearing it down. Men who will live with integrity and treat others with respect and kindness, men who love their families, and men who speak up for those who are less fortunate. I am honored to be given that duty in triplicate, and I can only pray that I will live up to the challenge.

How about you? What do you love most about the kids that you have?

Whether you have 1 or 10, biological or adopted or fostered or grandparented, they’re all special.

DISCLAIMER: This post isn’t intended to say that boys are better than girls or any of that silliness, but simply that having a house full of boys isn’t something to pity! If you enjoyed it, please pass it on!

This article originally appeared at

Christie Thomas
Christie Thomas
Christie Thomas lives in Canada with her family of boys and their pet fish. She writes about faith and family at and is the author of Quinn’s Promise Rock and an interactive devotional book for preschoolers, Wise For Salvation.

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