Self-Esteem Is Not the Answer

So what should our kids be taught instead? Not self-ESTEEM, but self-CONTROL.

Why? Well, because studies have shown that kids who are taught to have self-control will grow up to be adults who are less likely to have drug and alcohol problems, commit a crime, or struggle financially. They go on to become adults who are more likely to be in good health, earn more and save more money, volunteer and give to charity, and be satisfied with their lives.

If you’re a Christian parent who holds fast to teaching your kids the fruit of the Spirit, where self-control is highlighted, maybe this won’t surprise you. But for many Christian and non-Christian parents alike, Landes’ talk comes as a fantastic reminder, and call to action!

5 Ways To Teach Self Control

1) Expect a lot more 

Expect them to not interrupt, wait patiently, talk respectfully, and do what they are told the first time.

2) Unplug the electronics

At least for a time, go screen free to help them re-discover toys, books, the outdoors, and social interaction

3) Use consequences that COUNT.

Consequences have to REALLY make them uncomfortable if you want them to work.

4) Serve together as a family

Serving others helps them realize that they are not the center of the Universe. Start small right in your community.

5) Assign household responsibility

Don’t just make them “help” — make some chores their COMPLETE responsibility.

Who’s ready to start instilling self-control in their kids so that they can be adults who bring good to our world for God’s glory? I know I am! I encourage you to give your 10 minutes to Landes’ talk, below, too.

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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