To the Mom of the High School Graduate

2) Your kid will still want you. 

The want will be far less than the need, to be sure. But every mom who has sent her kid off to college knows – there is one time if none else, that your kid will still want you, and that is when they get sick. (And they will.) It is at this moment that all the months of independent speech goes out the window and the kid who has barely wanted you around for the last six months will suddenly call you “mommy” and want you there to feed him or her chicken noodle soup and crackers. And it will be a reminder to both of you that no matter how old your child gets, they will always be your baby.

 3) Your kid will still be with you.

Yes, they are flying the coop, leaving the nest, or whatever other bird analogy you want to use. But they will still be a daily part of your heart and as a result, an important part of your life and vice versa. Relationship doesn’t stop because of distance in miles. It is a mind, body, heart and soul connection, and when the physical is hindered, the other pieces are still well in play. Your child will be with you as an extension of your heart, your teaching, your influence, and your love. Their going off to college is not a leaving behind of you and all of those things. It is a beautiful taking with them and sharing of the investment you have well made in their life.

As the graduation day passes and the day to drop off your kid at college approaches quickly, may the moments be sweet and filled with these reminders.

We don’t lose our kids, my fellow parenting comrades. We let go, grow together, and enjoy all that still remains.

Lisa Whittle
Lisa Whittle
Lisa Whittle is an author, speaker and most affectionately known as “mom.” Her love runs deep to see people grow roots and walk strong in the midst of a world that sometimes makes us crazy. She is the author of six books, including her latest Put Your Warrior Boots On.  She is a wife and mother of three who currently resides in North Carolina. Visit her at

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