When you forgot to get the non-dairy milk, it’s okay. I can run to the store and get it.
When you feel like you barely made a dent in your mental checklist, it’s okay. I won’t do all the things, but I can do a couple of the things, and if you want me to I can help you prioritize the things, unless you don’t want that, in which case I absolutely will not help but just listen.
When the best you were able to do was throw a handful of two second prayers up at the ceiling and hope God heard them, it’s okay, because he did, and he has a lot more grace for you than you do for yourself, and also I’m praying for you today.
You’re a good mom. You’re a good wife. You’re a good friend. You’re a good Christian. You’re good. Not perfect, but good. I love you and believe in you and I wouldn’t want you to be any other person than who you are. And I know I probably don’t tell you these things enough – you’ve also probably noticed that words of affirmation are hard for me – so I thought I’d write them down … and then share them with the world …
Because I suspect there are a few other wives out there drowning under the weight of perfection, and some husbands who don’t know how to say it, but would want their wives to know it’s okay not to be perfect. That they don’t expect that. That they love them just as they are. Thanks for letting me write this note to you to them as well. Because they could totally share this with their wives as a way of saying “this is how I feel too.”
But enough about them. I love you!
This article originally appeared at Thriving Marriages.