11 pieces of life advice I wish I could tell my 20-year-old self:
1. You are not fat.
Wear the bikini, wear the cute dress. You can pull it off. One day you will be the proud owner of the dreaded “mom bod,” and you will find yourself at the beach in a coverup trying to pinpoint the exact moment your metabolism failed you.
2. Wear sunscreen!
Sure, that tan looks good now, but in 10 years when you’re sitting in an exam room having suspicious moles cut off of your body, leaving deep scars that will never fade away, anxiously awaiting results that could change your life forever, you’ll wish you had just embraced your fair skin. Get a spray tan, use sunless tanner, amp up the bronzer – whatever it takes. Just don’t fry your your beautiful skin in order to look better in white shorts.
3. Spend more time with your friends.
Cultivating your friendships now will ensure that you have people to turn to in your 30’s when life becomes real. Right now you need them for shopping, clubbing and flirting with cute guys. Later on, you’ll need them for marriage advice, parenting advice and the occasional clubbing experience where you’ll realize that you just can’t hang past 10:30 p.m. and you’re officially the “old ladies” getting hyped when a Nelly song comes on.
4. College is not as difficult as you’re making it out to be.
You’ll miss the days of higher learning when you’re watching Paw Patrol on a loop, wondering if you’re still capable of holding an adult conversation with vocabulary words that weren’t on your first graders weekly list to study.
5. You don’t know the meaning of tired.
That 8 a.m. class is nothing compared to the late nights you will one day keep with your babies, only to be awaken before the sun to get your day started. You’re getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. Cherish it!
6. Don’t give your life up for that boy.
He is telling you everything he thinks you want to hear. I know you think this is love, and in some ways it is, but it’s not the fulfilling type of love you are longing for. Your self worth is more important than your relationship status. Love yourself enough to know you don’t need anyone to make you feel complete.