As a Mom, I Am So Tired.

When my kids were babies I legit fantasized about sleep. I’d wake up in the morning after a long night and plan out when I might be able to take a nap.

Then I held on for that moment.

In my most desperate times I would do anything I could to rest and would position myself in their play to be any part where I could lay down…I’d volunteer to be the road the matchbox cars would drive on if the kids would let me shut my eyeballs.

I was so tired.

And I was sure someday I would sleep again. I would take back my life once these kids didn’t need me to feed them all night or rock them or when they were no longer getting up ready for the day at 5:00am…ready for their mom/waitress to make their meal, which was not unreasonable as they couldn’t yet pour a bowl of cereal let alone milk.

Well, my kids are tall now.

They can get their own cereal.

They even like to sleep until noon.

And yet I still wake up planning when I might be able to get a nap.

Amy Betters-Midtvedt
Amy Betters-Midtvedt
I'm Amy Betters-Midtvedt and I write along with my friend Erin over at We write to help find our sanity and our joy and sometimes joy is found hiding out in the closet with our coffee, come and join us!

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