Can We Stop Telling Parents Their Baby Needs to Sleep Through the Night

Can we stop telling parents their baby needs to sleep through the night?

Please. PLEASE. Can we stop telling parents this?

I see it all the time on these mommy Facebook groups…

When will my baby sleep through the night?

Can anyone recommend a good sleep trainer?

My son/daughter still has a night feed, can I ween them?

Y’all, please. I know I sound harsh but can we stop?

I was that mom, too.

With the busy fingers.

Googling all the things that could possibly be wrong with my child because he simply would. not. sleep.


You know my postpartum depression I talk so loudly about?

I’m fairly certain a year and a half of major sleep deprivation had something to do with it.

Not just because my baby wouldn’t sleep..but because everyone and their mother was telling me there was something WRONG with my baby And I had to FIX him.

So, I obsessed about sleep.

OBSESSED about it.

Don’t cosleep.


Don’t sleep train.

Sleep train.

No soother.


No night feed.

Night feed.

Anneleise Lawton
Anneleise Lawton
Anneliese is a Canadian wife, mother, and writer. She has one handsome hub, a spunky pooch, and two rambunctious boys (ages three-years-old and nineteen-months). By day she's a wife and mother - by night she's an ambitious woman with big dreams for herself and her family. She's the voice behind the popular blog, Grown Up Glamour by Anneliese Lawton, where she leaves no topic off-limits.  It is her hope in her writing to inspire, empower and help other women find joy and peace within themselves.    

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