‘Good Enough’ Parenting in a Time of Crisis

4 Parenting Resources 

(If you can, order and pick up from your local bookstore or online links below)


This piece originally appeared at jay-stringer.com, published with permission.

Jay Stringer
Jay Stringerhttp://jay-stringer.com
Jay Stringer is a licensed mental health counselor and ordained minister. Jay’s award-winning book Unwantedwas based on research on nearly 4,00o people struggling with unwanted sexual behaviors like the use of pornography, extra-marital affairs, and buying sex. Stringer holds a Masters of Divinity and Masters in Counseling Psychology from the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and received post-graduate training under Dr. Dan Allender while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Allender Center. Jay lives in Seattle, WA with his wife and two children. To learn more about Jay visit his website at www.jay-stringer.com.

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