Sarah Michelle Gellar Is My Current Celebrity Parenting Hero

I mean really. I’m not famous, so if I want to embarrass my kids at school pick-up, I’m going to have to get more creative (hmm, perhaps I’ll wear a shirt with my teenager’s face on it!! He’d LOVE that!) Gellar captured her Instagram snap, “Casual Friday (aka …if you really want to embarrass your children, wear this for pick-up) Thank you @hm for the shirt!!”

So. much. parenting. WIN!!

I kinda love it when celebrities keep it real! Thanks Sarah Michelle Gellar, for joining the ranks of celebrity moms like Jennifer Garner and Kristen Bell who prove that stars really are like us!

Who’s your favorite celebrity mom to follow?

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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