I’m a mother of three kids, and at this point in my life, nearly all my friends and family have had babies, so I’ve been to tons of baby showers—including my own—and I’ve hosted a couple as well. I’ve been to so many that in fact, I cannot walk into a baby shower without steeling myself to be forced to play a really awkward baby shower game that is either going to be over-complicated or take WAY too long. I think it’s a shame, because a baby shower should be a fun event everyone looks forward to. So, if you’ve got a baby shower hosting gig in your future, I’ve got some easy and unique baby shower games for large groups that will be fun for all your guests, as well as for the guest of honor.
In fact, these free easy baby shower games for large groups are so great, you might end up in demand as a baby shower hostess!
21 Easiest Baby Shower Games for Large Groups
1. Bubble Gum Baby
Photo credit: Haggalicious
This hilarious baby shower game is a real treat! It’s inexpensive to plan and will make all your guests crack up. To play, give all your guests one wrapped piece of Bubbalicious-style bubble gum. Then, set a timer and give everyone five minutes to sculpt a baby out of their un-chewed bubble gum. The mother-to-be gets to pick the winner, and everyone will have a good laugh trying to make a realistic-looking infant out of bubble gum.
2. Baby Shower “Name That Tune”
This baby shower game is sure to be a hit with your guests because all they have to do is LISTEN! And it’s easy for the host because all you have to do to prepare is make a baby-themed song playlist on Spotify or iTunes before the shower. Give your guests a pen and paper, then play them just 10 seconds of each song. See if they can guess just the title, or the title and artist. Whoever gets the most right wins a prize! This is one of my favorite baby shower games for large groups because pretty much everyone thinks it is fun and funny! Here are some ideas for a baby girl themed playlist.
Photo credit: RegistryFinder.com
3. Blindfolded diaper changing game
The next offering in our baby shower games for large groups is the Blindfolded diaper changing game. Contestants will crack up while they watch their fellow guests try to diaper a baby doll just by feel. All you need for this game are a couple of baby dolls, some diapers, or some blindfolds. You can have two contestants at a time go and race each other, or you can use a stopwatch to record the fastest time.
Photo credit: Design Dazzle
4. Baby Shower Mad Libs
Who doesn’t love Mad Libs? This hilarious word game is a treat for all ages and can easily be adapted for baby-themed fun! Come up with your own hilarious story scenario starring the parents-to-be, or if you ain’t got time for that, borrow this ready-made printable from BigDotofHappiness.com.
5. Baby’s First Portrait
Have your guests channel their inner Picasso with the Baby’s First Portrait baby shower game. Supplies for this are about as cheap as they come: some large 4×6 note cards and a marker for each guest. After you’ve passed out the supplies, have each guest hold the notecard to their foreheads and instruct them to draw what they think the mom-to-be’s new baby will look like. You’re sure to have some GREAT laughs when everyone shows off their artwork!
Photo: FunCheaporFree.com
6. Baby Photo Booth
Ok, so this isn’t exactly a baby shower game for large groups, but it is a super fun baby shower activity that the whole group will love. Pick up some adorable baby-themed props and have a polaroid camera there so guests can take their photos home with them, or take them digitally and upload them to a common album where everyone can access them. What a fun memento for the baby book!
Photo: CelebrationsatHomeBlog.com
7. The Sentence Game
The sentence game doesn’t HAVE to be a baby shower game, but you can easily adapt it to be so. This game is sort of like a game of “telephone” – but with words and pictures! It can definitely make for some HUGE laughs, too. To play, just download this free printable and all the rules at The Red Headed Hostess!
Photo: The Red Headed Hostess
8. What’s In Your Purse?
This is a baby shower game that assigns different points values to all the JUNK we women carry around in our purses! You can make your own checklist or buy a ready-made one like this on Amazon. Give your guests a time limit to check off ALL the items they can find by searching their handbags, and the guest with the most random junk — and the most points — wins!
Photo credit: Amazon
9. Baby Shower Bingo
This baby shower game for large groups needs no explanation! Bingo is ALWAYS fun, and you can make it fun for the shower by making or purchasing baby shower bingo cards. A great way to do this is to look at the mom-to-be’s gift registry and fill the bingo board with gifts she’s registered for. That way while she’s opening gifts, guests can also mark their bingo cards while they are “oohing” and “aahing” over all the presents. Make your own cards like the one below or purchase some on Amazon.
pPhoto credit: Real House Moms
10. Diaper Decorating
Let your guests show their creative flair! This is one of my favorite baby shower games for large groups because it means more diapers for mama! Have a diaper decorating station set up so that as each guest enters the shower, they can decorate a diaper for the baby. That way when mom is changing a diaper bleary-eyed in the middle of the night, she will have an encouraging word or a joke on that baby’s bum to make her smile! Guests and moms-to-be ALL love this activity!
Photo credit: Yetinker
11. Animal Pregnancy Shower Game
The animal pregnancy baby shower game is a fun game to remind us that…it COULD be worse! I mean, we gestate for 40 weeks, and an elephant is typically pregnant for 624 days! YIKES! Simply download this fun printable from Plan the Perfect Baby Shower Game and have your guests make some guesses as to which animal goes with which pregnancy length!
Photo: Plan the Perfect Baby Shower Game