This Mom’s One Month Screen-Free Challenge Will Change the Way You Parent

In today’s modern age of parenting, screens play a huge role in entertaining and educating children. It’s kind of hard to not fall into the traps of having a digital babysitter when the convenience is instant and children can be so entertained to leave mom or dad alone for a few peaceful minutes.

With new research coming out about the negative effects that excessive screen time plays on young children, it’s no surprise that parents are scaling back. Although quite difficult in the beginning, less screen time is actually achievable and the results may astound you.

Back in early November, I was intrigued to see some of my mom friends partake in a challenge where they cut out screen time for their children. Known as No Screen November Challenge, the rules are simple: no screens of ANY sort (TV, iPads, cell-phones) for the whole thirty days of November.

The no screen challenge piqued my interest, so I asked one mom friend a few questions about her experience so I can share what a month of zero screens looks like when you have children.

Below is an interview with Molly, mother of two who went screen-free for a month.

What made you want to do a month of no screens?

I started coming across articles discussing the importance of limited screen time. I came across a few about parents who had removed all screen time. I decided I could take on a 30-day “challenge” of removing screen time for my 3-year old. I asked a couple friends to take on the challenge with me and they were completely on board!

Laura Bower
Laura Bower
When she’s not chasing after her two tiny humans, Laura blogs about postpartum depression and struggles with motherhood over on her site,

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