When You Can’t Make One More Decision

Pray and Do Something

Taking just a moment for a breath prayer — a simple “HELP ME, GOD” with a deep inhale followed by a long, quiet exhale reminds me I’m not making the decision on my own.

Follow that simple breath prayer up with action. Just do something. Choose yogurt, pick the shirt, set the date for the meeting, pick the daycare. Your decision doesn’t have to be permanent. It just needs to be a decision.

You can always change a decision, but indecision gets you nowhere.

We’re facing a lot of unknown, hard things in the world right now. And they all seem to require some sort of decision on our part. Try these tips to help you feel less overwhelmed and more free to move forward.

If you need some help facing these things, check out this free journal you can download today!


This post originally appeared at RebeccaHastings.net, published with permission.

Rebecca Hastings
Rebecca Hastings
Rebecca is a writer and speaker encouraging women to find real faith that works in real life. A wife and mother of three in Connecticut, she can often be found typing words, driving her kids places or wherever there is chocolate. Her book, Worthy: Believe Who God Says You Are, is available on Amazon.  Find out more at her website: RebeccaHastings.net.   

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