What ‘The Days Are Long But the Years Are Short’ Really Means

As she slowly starts pushing her cart down the aisle away from you and your munchkins, she bids you farewell by saying a phrase we hear often as young parents: the days are long but the years are short.

Depending on how overwhelmed you feel in that moment, you may find these, “The days are long but the years are short” words encouraging as you breathe and navigate the tantrum with more ease than before, or you may quietly be ripping that sweet old lady’s head off while trying to wrangle your kid to get in the basket.

Gloryanna Boge
Gloryanna Boge
Gloryanna used to call herself a runner, but now she is a toddler chaser. She married her high school sweetheart who insists that dirty clothes can be left on the floor. She once was a teacher of teenagers and the greatest thing she taught, she stole from S.E.Hinton who said "Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold." She attempts to live this truth by encouraging others with her writing. Catch scribbles of her writing on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

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