Maybe It’s Supposed To Be Hard, Mama.

We hear a lot of talk about the burdens of motherhood. I read article after article that state the same thing–that motherhood is heavy and demanding. And honestly, I think it is supposed to be that way.

Maybe it’s supposed to be hard, mama. Because if we could do it alone, we’d never find Jesus in the midst.

Motherhood is so many things. It’s draining AND fulfilling. It’s exhausting and exhilarating. It’s long days and short years. It’s wanting them to grow and stay little. It’s laundry and dishes. It’s blocks and dolls. It’s mismatched socks and wrong season tops. It’s messy. It’s beautiful.

Nothing in this life has challenged me like being a mother. When I had four children under the age of seven, every single day was lived in the spaces between naps and bedtime. There were days when getting out of bed was overwhelming because I knew the day was full of caring for everyone’s needs but my own.

And somewhere in the midst of all of that I found who Jesus intended for me to be.

I was meant to be mama. Mama in the hard. Mama in the easy. Mama in the happy. Mama in the sad. Mama to the babies. Mama to the teens.

There is a verse in scripture that says women will be saved through childbearing. Now obviously this is not the only way for a woman to come to know the Lord, but I do believe it can lead us to depend more fully on him. Because when the calling of a mother gets heavy, the only place to find true rest is in Jesus Christ.

If this is you today, I encourage you to lean into Jesus. Let him renew your strength and fill your cup. His well never runs dry.

Maybe it’s supposed to be hard, mama. Because if we could do it alone, we’d never find Jesus in the midst.

We hear a lot of talk about the burdens of motherhood. I read article after article that state the same thing- that…

Jenn Kish
Jenn Kish
Jenn Kish is a popular southern blogger, motivational speaker and Christian writer experienced in developing non-fiction narrative for a variety of parent-centric publications. She challenges women throughout the nation to do hard things daily. Jenn and her husband Jared are raising six children together in the mountains of North Georgia. When she is not blogging or working on her upcoming book, Jenn can be found hiding in her closet eating sprinkles.

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