How to Stop Mom-Shaming Yourself as a New Mother

Practice positive affirmations.

Tell yourself every morning, afternoon and or night, how amazing of a mother you are and that everything will be a-okay!


This is the biggest mistake we make a lot, comparing ourselves to others! Like I mentioned earlier, everyone is not perfect. I don’t care what Instagram filter they use to make the picture look good, trust me, things aren’t always what it seems! I, myself, can hide the worst feelings ever behind a smile. Yes, I am the type of person to say I’m fine even when I’m going through a terrible storm. See, Mommy, I know I’m not perfect, and I’m not scared to admit that. I am only human even if I would love to be like Captain Marvel or even Storm, I got to remember I am a human being.

Remember, everything is going to be okay.

If you feel overwhelmed, know that’s normal. You are not a bad mother just because you are stressed out or overwhelmed. Trust me, every mother has a point in their motherhood where they want to scream from the top of their lungs and pull their hair out. But, after a storm, the sun comes out. SO just keep pushing! Ask for help when you need it and take out some mommy time to clear your mind and restart yourself. Yes, hit the restart button! Lol Alt Control Delete your negativity away! lol

Mom shaming is a no-go! Don’t be a victim of mom shaming and don’t mom-shame other mothers. Even if their toddler is going crazy throwing the fruit snacks in aisle 4. Just simply lend a hand, and or let them know, I have been there before too, don’t be ashamed. We are blessed to be mothers, and motherhood should be an enjoyable experience! Without mothers, the world would be nothing, so remember you are making the world a better place by giving your all as mothers!


A version of this post originally appeared at My Motherhood Made Easy, published with permission.

Kayla Jean Louis
Kayla Jean Louis
Kayla Jean Louis is a mommy blogger and creator of My Motherhood Made Easy, a blog made for mothers who are looking for great mommy content about Motherhood, SAHM Life, Staying Active as a Mom, Frugal Mommy Tips & Advice, Maintaining Peace, and Mompreneur Lifestyle.

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