To the Mothers Swimming in Deep Waters

And it brings out the best in her.

So, when you see her struggling at the mall with her three year old, when you see her dropping off a crying baby at the church nursery, when you see her covered in spit up or walking in to the doctor’s office with a child on her hip and a bowl in her hand, stop and admire her.  She has many, many heart-splitting moments ahead of her.  And she dives in with her eyes wide open.  Because the mother knows that in the deep waters she will swim.

She must.  She is a mother.


This article originally appeared at Your Mom Has a Blog.

Melissa Edgington
Melissa Edgington
Melissa Edgington is a Jesus-loving mom of three great kids and a pastor's wife who loves blogging about faith and her life's adventures at the (hilariously named!) Your Mom Has a Blog. You can also catch her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

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