8 Parent Tech Tips I learned from a Police Detective

Do you know about the Snapchat My Eyes Only vault? Snapchat is the social media platform of choice for my kids unfortunately. Another thing to sit down and discuss with our kids.

6. Simple Don’ts

The goal is to not make it easy for people to find information on your child.

  • Don’t let your kid use their face for their profile pic.
  • Don’t have them use their real name.
  • Make strong passwords and don’t share them.
  • Don’t let kids have their own Apple ID, but instead have a family sharing one.

7. What should your child do if they receive a nude image?

Delete it. Detective Corder said they should not forward the image to you, or anyone else, as they are then distributing child pornography. If your kid doesn’t have it on their phone, they can’t be responsible. You must then report the incident to an appropriate adult so it can be taken down and handled appropriately. I was appalled to learn about the rise of sextortion and our minors.

8. Does your son play video games with people who aren’t in the room with him?

Think twice about even allowing your son to put on headphones and begin playing video games with others who aren’t in the room with him. Video game addiction is real, dangerous stuff and it is destroying lives.

Playing video games where you talk with strangers online isn’t a problem necessarily, but it becomes one when kids move the conversation to another platform. Watch for this.

Raising Screenagers takes a village and we must learn from experts and those who can encourage us to lead our tech-savvy children well.


This post originally appeared at Parent on Purpose with Amy Carney, published here with permission.

Amy Carney
Amy Carney
A former sports journalist and editor, Amy Carney currently writes on her blog www.amycarney.com as well as for various online  and print outlets about intentional parenting and family life. Amy and her husband, Keith, are busy raising teenage triplet sons, a subsequent teen daughter and a son they adopted from foster care.

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