Dear Santa: This Is What Moms REALLY Want for Christmas

I think I want a house, and everything in it, made of rubber, too. Walls that my boys will bounce right off of and things that won’t break when they fall to the floor.

Kids that like bedtime would be nice too.

Santa, I know this seems like a lot but it’s really not. I just want my life to be a little easier.

Or maybe, Santa, just take me to the North Pole with you when you go.

Wait, but I don’t like snow.

Drop me off somewhere warm and sunny; a tropical island.

Is that too much to ask?


An exhausted mama.

P.S. If I’m not on your nice list, YOU’RE gonna end up on a certain list of mine…

Christine Suhan
Christine Suhan
Christine Suhan is a wife, stay at home mother to three wild toddler boys, and writer/creator at She has a master's degree in marriage and family therapy and enjoys helping people through openly and honestly sharing her journey of life, recovery, mental illness, marriage, parenting, and more. You can also find her on her Facebook page.

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