Be the Mom Who Does It Anyway

Be the mom who puts on the swimsuit and jumps into the pool, splash soaking your kids until their laughter becomes the soundtrack of the pool.  Even when all you’re thinking about is the stretch marks on your thighs and your not-so-flat stomach.

Be the mom who lets your kids have ice cream at the park even when the ice cream truck pulls up “too close” to dinnertime because cold ice cream can make such delicious and warm memories on a hot summer day.

Be the mom who lets her kids bury her in the ball pit, and army crawls through the play space tunnels pretending to be a dangerous tiger chasing her kids. Because you’ll have so much more fun than staring at them, yelling “be careful” from the sidelines.

Be the mom who digs for “buried treasure” in the dirt at the park even though your kids will probably get their car seats dirty, and the baby will probably have a fit when you baby wipe her hands off. But those moments of them digging and the baby saying cute things like “look, treasure” will melt your heart.

Be the mom who jumps in the bounce house at the fair because jumping with your kids and feeling alive and free like a child beats the embarrassment of being the only adult in there.

Be the mom who lifts bedtime for a summer evening BBQ and a campfire because your kids will remember the damp summer night with songs and ‘smores.

Be the mom who trades the laundry and a clean house for a game of Hide N’ Seek with the kids because they are only little once.

Be the mom who lets herself live, even when you have doubts and insecurities about who’s watching.

Be the mom who knows there’ll never be a perfect moment to do something.

And, be the mom who does it anyway, because you’ll only miss out while waiting.


Danielle Sherman-Lazar
Danielle Sherman-Lazar
Dani Sherman-Lazar is an eating disorder advocate, Vice President of a transportation company, and a mother to two daughters. Follow her on her blog Living a Full Life After ED and like it on Facebook. Her book Living FULL: Winning My Battle with Eating Disorders is available for pre-order on Amazon.

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