You are not neglecting your children if you choose to take care of yourself too.
Shhhh… scroll up. Read that again. Slower this time. Ok, now continue.
I’m not suggesting you get dolled up every day of the week or paint your face because you’re trying to impress anyone. But girl if it makes you feel better to slap on some mascara and throw some curls in your hair – don’t you dare let anyone make you feel bad about it.
I’m also not suggesting you do any of the above if it doesn’t make you feel good. Maybe it’s throwing your hair up and reading a book in complete silence. Maybe it’s pulling out your computer and typing a blog post that helps you process your thoughts. Maybe it’s a yoga class or a peaceful 20 minute walk with fresh air. For me, it’s doing my hair and makeup and getting done up now and again. Whatever it is… don’t be ashamed to want it and don’t be ashamed to DO IT.
Be a mother. Give the snuggles. Hold the hands. Make the food. Wipe the bums. Clean all the things. But in the process of all that, don’t forget to be you. You are still that woman, just a newer, more enhanced model.
I felt beautiful in both of these pictures. And it’s ok to be both.