Fixer Upper’s Joanna Gaines’ Mother’s Day Letter to Moms Will Totally Make You Cry

She starts out by recognizing her own mom and saying how grateful she is for the four (now five) kiddos who call her “mom”. But then, she quickly gets real and acknowledges that Mother’s Day can be a hard day for many, because:

…it didn’t take me long to realize the name “mom” isn’t easy to come by. These mothers have fought infertility, miscarriage or even the loss of a child. So whether you’re a mom right in the middle of raising your babies, or you find yourself in the throes of immense pain—this day is for all of us.

I love the way she recognized that right off the bat. Gaines is right — the name “mom” isn’t always easy to come by, and that’s important for all of us to remember. Then she moves on to a phrase that all of us hear as moms but struggle to believe: “You are enough.” As a working mom, I love how Joanna relates her experience and what she says to her kids about working and caring for them:

As a working mom, it’s the hardest when my kids grab onto me as I’m walking out the door and say, “Mommy please stay home!” I don’t want to ignore that, so I always explain to them that being with them is my favorite thing in the world. I explain that I have to work just like they have to go to school. I also let them know what I’m doing at work that day—whether it’s filming the show or going into the office—and what time I’ll be home. Taking a  few seconds to let them in on this other huge part of my life has really helped them understand that mom and dad have a big job to do.

I absolutely LOVE that, and I’m going to be using that line myself!

Joanna Gaines, or “JoJo” as I like to call her (I’m sure she wouldn’t mind!) also has a word for us mamas in the trenches: it is SO WORTH IT! She says:

Motherhood can be difficult. It’s not an instant gratification thing all the time. When your kiddos are just babies and you’re changing diapers or listening to whining constantly, it can feel overwhelming. But I want to encourage you, because one day you’ll be sitting around a table for your birthday breakfast and you’ll realize that their little hearts are thankful for you. And they do notice things like mom’s homemade meals.

Finally, Jo lets us know that we’re all in this TOGETHER:

I hope you feel so loved and celebrated this Mother’s Day. And no matter what season you find yourself in, just know that you are doing enough, and you are loved and appreciated.

Thanks, Joanna! It’s pretty awesome when a famous mom such as yourself takes the time to recognize all your mama sisters slugging it out every day (before we tune into you at night.)

Happy Mother’s Day!

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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