Today started unusually busy and rushed.
The kids slept in since they’d been up late all week trying to catch up on middle school stuff.
As we all buzzed around the house, looking for this, packing up that — my daughter shouted from the top of the stairs:
“Mom, can you make me a lunch, please?”
For a split second, I almost hollered back up to tell her to make it herself.
But, here’s the thing.
I know and she knows she can make her own lunch. She is more than capable and on most days does most things for herself.
After a brief pause, I yelled back, “Sure!”
I thought as I grabbed for the yogurt and raisins, what a gift it is to be a mother. Doing for my kids is something I *get* to do.
I get to make their house a home.
I get to cheer for them from the sidelines.
I get to fill their bellies with nourishment.