13 Self-Care Tips for Taking Care of Yourself During the Holiday Season

5. Schedule some personal time for yourself.

We are all refueled in different ways. When the holidays are stressful, it’s important that you are refueling yourself before you can reasonably expect to pour out for others. Maybe you’ll grant yourself 15 minutes a day to read a good book over a cup of coffee. Or perhaps light some candles and draw yourself a scented bubble bath at the end of a long day to relax before going to bed. Physical exercise helps restore our energy and lift our mood, so maybe you could take a walk at the park, on the beach, or along a trail while taking time to enjoy the scenery.


6. Pay attention to your senses.

When we intentionally attend to our senses, our experiences can be more rewarding. Think of different ways to include smell, hearing, sight, touch, and taste into your self-care to make you more present in the moment. When you are out to eat or baking in your own home, take a moment to enjoy the smell of cinnamon or nutmeg. Maybe it will transport you back in your memories to a time you spent baking with your mother or girlfriend. Take a few moments to appreciate the sounds of people singing in the mall, or the choir in church. Listen carefully to the lyrics and notice how it resonates within you. Enjoy watching calm candles flicker on a table or in a window. Let it relax you as you watch. Pay attention to the feel of a soft scarf around your neck and appreciate the warmth it brings. Relish the taste of the soft, chewy home-baked cookie on your tongue. Pay attention as you chew, rather than eating mindlessly this season.

7. Do something for others.

When speaking at a large conference, a famous psychiatrist, Karl Meninger, was asked what he would suggest when someone was feeling hopeless and not sure they could go on. Most assumed that as a psychiatrist he would suggest medication or counseling. He didn’t. Instead he said, “Go out that door, cross the railroad tracks and find someone in need. Be of service to them.” He knew that when we aren’t focusing on our own misery, and are willing to help others, it does improve our mood. When you go to a party, find ways to help the host. Notice who is standing by themselves and introduce yourself. This is the time of year when volunteers are most readily needed. Find a cause you agree with and see how you can get involved.


8. Make a budget and stick to it.

One of the most stressful aspects of the holidays for many are the increased costs associated with gifts, meals, and other get togethers. The best way to approach this is to set aside a certain amount of money each month so you’ll be prepared when the extra expenses hit. Even if you haven’t done that, you can take care of yourself by setting a budget for what you can reasonably spend, and once you’ve hit that limit, you don’t go over it. You’ll thank yourself after the first of the year.

9. Plan ahead.

Don’t let yourself get caught up in the pressures and demands of the holidays. It’s important to plan ahead for those tasks or events that are a priority to you. Planning something you want to do and knowing how long it will last allows you to mentally prepare without feeling overwhelmed. For example, all malls and stores have peak shopping times. By planning what you will do in advance, you can determine to get your shopping done at less busy, and less crowded times, and maintain a sense of calm over your mind and body.

10. Try to stay as close as you can to your regular diet, exercise, sleep patterns and routine.

Do things in moderation, avoiding excessive behavior that only leads to regret (whether it’s eating, drinking, spending, or socializing). When you try to maintain your healthy habits even during the holidays, you’ll experience fewer fluctuations in mood and energy and your body will thank you for it.

11. Limit expectations of yourself and others.

Limit expectations of yourself and others, and extend grace when expectations aren’t met. William Shakespeare said, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” I think there is some truth to this, particularly when we or others have unrealistic expectations. The truth is, there really are no perfect holidays aside from the idyllic pictures we create in our mind. Release yourself of the expectation of the perfect tree, perfect party, perfect table décor, perfect meal, and perfect gift otherwise you just set yourself up for failure.


12. Enlist support from others.

It’s not only okay, but it is advised to let others know how you’re doing so they can better understand. Consider enlisting the support of a friend, support group, counselor, or close family member. This could entail anything from asking them to text you to check on you after an event to actually accompanying you to such event. People often want to help but don’t know what will be helpful, so help them help you by letting them know what you need.

13. Have something to look forward to in the future.

Part of the struggle with the holidays is that we expend so much energy leading up to them, and when they are over, many often experience a big sense of letdown. Make plans for something you will look forward to after the holidays are over, to minimize that deflated feeling after the holidays conclude. It might be a concert the end of January, or an outing with a friend in early February, or a spring break trip with the family in March. The idea is to shift your perspective and keep you looking forward.


A version of this post originally appeared at drmichellebengston.com, published with permission.

Michelle Bengtson
Michelle Bengtson
Dr. Michelle Bengtson is a board certified clinical neuropsychologist with more than 20 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of medical and mental disorders in children, adults, and seniors. She has been in private practice for more than a decade of that time. Michelle is also a woman—a wife, mother and friend. She has experienced her share of trouble and trials and knows the pain of losing someone she loves as well as the despair that can follow trauma or illness. You can follow her blog at DrMichelleBengtson.com.

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