When this is all over, we will never be the same….
When the world returns to its fast pace…
When we all come out from our homes, blinking at the bright sunshine that never dimmed…
When our healthcare providers can take a breath without fearing infection….
When they can sleep, rest, cry…
When they find peace after all they have seen and experienced…
When families bury their loved ones…
Grieve their losses…
Stagger away from graves as our war heroes who were most scarred by this virus…
When those who have battled for their lives are restored…
We will never be the same.
We will never take for granted the freedoms we had to do the simplest of things. To run to the store for bananas. To hug our grown kids. To sit on the floor and play with our grandkids.
We will never take for granted the privilege of gathering with our brothers and sisters in Christ to break bread, to worship, to come to the table.
We will never take for granted a handshake. A hug. A kiss on the cheek in greeting.
We will never take for granted what we once thought we would never lose.