These five gifts apply to all situations your children face, not just COVID. When you consistently follow these concepts, you’re not only teaching your children how to deal with COVID; you’re teaching them essential life skills. Once COVID passes – and it will – continue to practice giving these gifts to your children. Strong, resilient, independent, responsible, and grace-filled children will be the result.
Gifts for your Children During COVID (and Beyond)
We are going through an unprecedented time. The COVID pandemic has caused a tremendous amount of stress in many ways, from unexpected grief and loss to financial concerns to major lifestyle changes, such as working from home while trying to monitor your kids’ schooling, to dealing with the stress of so many unknowns. Wondering what emotional impact living through this crisis will have on their children long term is an additional, unique stress. I hear this question often these days: How can I best empower my children to come through COVID in an emotionally healthy way?
I’ll start with the good news: children are naturally resilient, given the right support and encouragement. COVID, like all circumstantial stressors, will pass, and many more times of difficulty will arise in their lives. So, as you focus on helping your children handle COVID, give your children the following gifts which will strengthen them to face times of difficulty throughout their lives:
1. Give them the gift of looking in the mirror.
Children learn what they are shown, and healthy responses, attitudes, and beliefs are like colds, passed on to you through contact more than instruction; so, moms, look in the mirror and check your own reactions to COVID. What beliefs are guiding your responses in the face of this crisis? Are you choosing based on fear or wisdom? (There is a difference! Fear would have an anxious expectation of bad things coming and leave you feeling powerless and trapped, as opposed to wisdom which prompts you to make smart choices without anxiety). Are you giving in to negativity or focusing on gratitude? Do you take out your frustrations on others or do you express your feelings in a healthy way? Do you fix your eyes on your circumstances or on Jesus? Moms, everything you do teaches your children something, so be intentional about what you teach, both in word and action.
2. Give them the gift of how to listen to God.
Early in our children’s lives, we set the expectation of God’s constant presence. One way, when they were still concrete (before age 10) in their thinking, was to set up a chair in our family room and call it Jesus’ chair. No one could sit in it because Jesus was always there. We modeled asking Jesus about everything we did and encouraged them to listen for His answers as we prayed as a family. Then, as they got older, when they asked to do something, we would ask them what Jesus said about it. We would pray over the choice together and keep praying until our answers aligned. As they began to make major life decisions, the conversation always centered around Jesus’ guidance. When given the knowledge that God speaks in our hearts, moms, you’ll be amazed at the kind of answers you’ll hear from your children when you teach them to listen.
3. Give them the gift of honesty.
Yes, it’s hard to be honest with a child about the difficult aspects of life. You want to protect them. You don’t want to upset them. But shielding your children from the truth doesn’t protect them; in fact, this response is fear-based and self-serving, so it produces the opposite result from what you intend. The more you “protect” them, the less resilience and effective coping strategies they develop. They know something is going on anyway, and in the absence of information, they will fill in the blanks with worst case scenarios. So, moms, gird yourself and be honest and open with your kids about COVID and its consequences.
4. Give them the gift of believing they can handle it.
During times of difficulty, we often feel tempted to excuse misbehavior or soften natural consequences of choices for our children, thinking, “They can’t help it; they’re struggling because we’re going through a hard time.” But if you give into this temptation, you are actually telling your children they aren’t capable, and you unintentionally undermine their belief in themselves. You also teach them they are victims and to view the world through a lens of blame, where it’s always something or someone else’s fault. Children can handle more than we realize, and this is certainly true during COVID. Continue to hold your children accountable for their choices, which teaches them responsibility. Allow the natural consequences of their choices to teach them to make better choices in the future. As their moms, when you believe in your children and let them handle difficulty without rescuing them or pampering them, they will grow up to believe they are capable, independent, and strong.
5. Give them the gift of knowing their true identity.
Moms, you probably know your children better than anyone other than God. Who, then, is better equipped to call out each child’s unique identity? What aspects of God’s nature do you see in your children? Identify and encourage the qualities you see in your children that are consistent with the character and nature of God. Let them know these are aspects of God’s nature so they recognize their value. Speak aloud those qualities when you see them exhibited in your children, encourage those qualities during times your child is struggling, and value those qualities as God does. A child who knows their God-given identity and lives true to it is an emotionally healthy child.
These five gifts apply to all situations your children face, not just COVID. When you consistently follow these concepts, you’re not only teaching your children how to deal with COVID; you’re teaching them essential life skills. Once COVID passes – and it will – continue to practice giving these gifts to your children. Strong, resilient, independent, responsible, and grace-filled children will be the result.