I was at the grocery store today with the kids when I probably said a little too loudly, NOT in my nice mom voice, “You know I love you very much, but you’re REALLY annoying me today.”
Right then a young couple walked by, presumably with no kids because the man uttered, “Well that was brutally honest.”
To which I replied with a sickeningly sweet smile, “Well they ARE being brutally annoying.”
And of course a lovely elderly woman strolled by and chimed in, “They grow up fast…you’re going to miss this someday.”
Really? REALLY? You think I’m going to miss being tortured by two kids in a grocery store someday?
After they fought alllllll morning and had their water guns thrown away because they wouldn’t stop shooting each other in the eyes. Not to mention one was grounded for an hour, and I had to rip them apart not once, but twice prior to the produce aisle because they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other!
I promise, I won’t miss THIS part of motherhood. And I really think people need to be a little more supportive and a little less critical of mothers, especially in stores.
Of course we love them. They are hilarious, sweet, loving, adorable, and fun to be around. But sometimes they act like a**hats and we lose it.
And it’s OK to not love every part of motherhood.
It’s OK to not want to read that same book again tonight.
It’s OK to lock yourself in your room and binge-watch The Great British Baking Show.