Motherhood brings with it expectations we think we’re supposed to meet, isolation we feel closing in, and anger over the littlest things. But the beautiful part is that God uses all of those messy situations to bring us into His arms. He hears our confession, speaks truth to our hearts, and loves us into forgiveness.
God refines us more into the image of His Son as we parent with Him.
4. God knows motherhood is hard.
Yes, hard. Hard because motherhood is physically demanding. Hard because it seems like the only way to get it all done is to clone ourselves. Hard because our kids break our hearts with their defiance and hurtful words and disobedience.
God designed it so everything we do holds the opportunity to sanctify us, including motherhood. Motherhood is hard and sanctifying, which means that we desperately need God and we desperately need others.
If motherhood was easy, we would be self-sufficient and there’d be no need to trust and obey God because we’d have it all together. If motherhood was easy, we wouldn’t need people like mentor moms or same-stage-of-life friends who’d share our burdens. But motherhood is hard on purpose so that we could learn that we aren’t self-sufficient, but God-dependent and community-contingent.
God knows motherhood is hard and designed it that way so we wouldn’t get caught in the trap of self-sufficiency.
5. God is with us in each and every season, even the ones we’re not grateful for.
Mama, it’s okay if you’re not thrilled with the stage you’re in. It’s hard to get excited about spit-up or helping with homework or watching Paw Patrol when you’d rather watch Gilmore Girls. It’s okay to take note of the hard just like you remember the good.
But let’s not wish this hard season away.
God has placed you in this season for such a time as this to refine you and to partner with you in parenting. In this season, there’s something that God will teach you, show you, and love you through if you’re willing to not wish the time away.
God is just crazy about you even when you’re not crazy about the season you’re in. And sometimes that’s all you need to know.