In five years it won’t matter if your future husband was cute.
It won’t matter if he was well-dressed, if he said all the right words, if he was funny or trendy or cool.
The pictures won’t matter. The “likes”, the status, the #relationshipgoals achieved – they’ll just be ripples on the surface of a newfound depth.
There is so much relationship advice out there and I’m just one voice among millions, but if I could tell you one thing, dear girl, it’s this:
marry the man who stays.
Anybody can tell you you’re pretty in yoga pants and a messy bun. You need the rarer kind; the kind who sticks through the messy of your soul.
He’s often overlooked, this man. You won’t find a microphone in his hand or a stage beneath his feet. He may not lead the Bible study or share profound insights into the Word. Instead, his hands do the work unnoticed, and he stands quietly in the background. He leads by serving. But he lives profoundly.
don’t miss out on your future husband
If you move too fast you might miss him. If you’re captivated by the spotlight you won’t see him in the shadows. If you’re looking for a “type” you might never notice he is there.
But he is.