Christine Caine on Embracing The Unexpected & Becoming ‘Un-offendable’

“Be un-offendable. In the words of Taylor Swift, shake it off.”

Austrailian-born author and international speaker Christine Caine, is world renowned for spreading God’s word and His love.

After being left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted, Caine experienced sexual abuse for twelve years. “I was very broken and Jesus redeemed me, Jesus healed me,” she said. “And so not only did Jesus rescue me, but redemption is that He now uses me to rescue others.”

Today, most of Caine’s work revolves around inspiring and bolstering women. Along with her husband, Caine has co-founded the A21 Campaign, an anti-human trafficking organization, and Propel Women, which is intended to empower women to honor their calling while developing a sense of God-given purpose.

A21 was recently recognized in Mumbai with the Mother Teresa Memorial Award for Social Justice by Gandhi’s great grandson, for providing water containers for refugees.

As a little girl, Caine said “I did always love Wonder Woman, but in reality, I loved Mother Teresa. That’s why getting the award blew me away because I have always honored and loved that woman.”

In a Heroes for Her Podcast with Bible Belles founder, Erin Weidemann, Caine discusses her passion “to make Jesus last command her first priority and by giving her all to see the lost saved and to build the local church globally.”

Their primary work in the refugee camps “Is helping to identify potential victims of trafficking, because those that are the most vulnerable to being trafficked are the ones nobody’s looking for,” Caine said. “And nobody’s looking for refugees because they don’t know that they’re missing.”

Part of their work involves reminding the world that slavery is alive and well, still in this day and age.

“We’ve got offices on every continent because the fastest-growing crime worldwide is the trafficking of human beings for sex and for labor,” Caine said.

With 15 offices in 13 countries, A21 is also recently responsible for a very high profile public official and some police officers in Thailand being put away for 127 years, and 220 years, and 300 years for trafficking four to 12 year old’s in a northern region of Thailand.

“When I started, I felt like Moses in the back of the desert when the Lord said, ‘I want to use you to set my people free.’ And Moses is like, ‘But God…’”

At 40 years old, having just had her second daughter, Caine explained it wasn’t like a Bible story for her anymore.

Staff Writer
Staff Writer
ForEveryMom staff contributed to this article.

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