I’ll Admit — I’m Not Excited To Have My Adult Kids Home for the Holidays

Third, acknowledge and manage your expectations. This child who has been difficult probably won’t come home vastly changed. It’s possible, but not necessarily likely. Don’t expect them to want to participate in every family tradition that you have. Ask for the one or two things from them that matter most to you and let everything else go, with total freedom and grace.

Fourth, tell your expectations to that child. Oh, yes. Let them know your expectations and then let them tell you what they want. Yikes, I know! But they might surprise you. And nothing gets any better unless communication happens, so open up a dialogue about your holiday/all being under the same roof expectations.

Fifth, guard your tongue and your heart!! Don’t nitpick that child. Don’t make sarcastic, passive/aggressive comments about them. Let things go without comment. They probably already know what you are going to say, so don’t say it.

Sixth, pray…PRAY!! Pray for God to prepare and calm your heart. Pray for God to speak to that child’s heart. Pray for God to protect your time together. Pray for peace, understanding and grace. Pray to not get easily offended or frustrated by your child. Pray for your spouse and the siblings. Keep praying. Keep inviting Jesus to invade this time and make all things new. PRAY!

If you have had to navigate this type of thing with your own kids, what suggestions do you have to help other moms navigate this situation? Share them below.

We don’t all feel the same way about time with our kids during the holidays. We love our kids, but we don’t always like who they choose to be. It’s okay. You aren’t a bad mom and your children aren’t unusual! You are more normal than you think. Blessings, dear ones.

Sheri Bybee Mitchell
Sheri Bybee Mitchell
Married for 30 years. Mother to 4. Mother-in-law to 3. Grandma to 2 (so far). Loves Jesus, reading, football and laundry. Greatly dislikes cooking, conflict, dirty microwaves and summer. I write to encourage others in this journey of life by honestly sharing my own struggles and joys because no one is perfect, especially me!

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