Consequence Jar Ideas: 32 Ideas To Stop The Sibling Bickering

Here is a list of what our sticks say. We’ve had to tweak ours a few times as other behavior problems arose. I also reserved most of my purple sticks for my 5-year-old, because sometimes she just needs to laugh to get over the issue at hand. You can create the sticks to be color-coded for each child or for specific behaviors.

Consequence Jar Ideas

  1. Take out the trash together
  2. Give each other a six-second hug
  3. Play one round of Uno together
  4. Share your tablet
  5. Read a story to the other person
  6. Say 3 nice things about the other person
  7. Make the other person’s bed
  8. Grace
  9. Choose J.O.Y.—Jesus, Others, Yourself
  10. Sweep Garage together
  11. Set the table together
  12. Pray for the other person
  13. Take the other person’s laundry downstairs
  14. Organize toys together
  15. Clean bathroom sinks together
  16. Sweep and mop floors together
  17. Load dishwasher together
  18. Walk dogs together
  19. Poop scoop together
  20. Red Light, Green Light
  21. Stair Sledding
  22. Simon Says
  23. Make the other person a snack
  24. Watch a movie together
  25. Pick up the other person’s toys
  26. Do the Hokey Pokey
  27. Fold towels together
  28. Go brush your teeth
  29. Burpee’s
  30. Share your snack
  31. Draw or write an I’m Sorry letter
  32. Do one regular chore for the other person

Items needed:

  • Popsicle Sticks (colored or non-colored)
  • All-purpose Labels
  • Sharpies or Pencil
  • A clean non-sharp can or a mason jar

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Sit down with your kids and discuss the issues, behaviors, etc., and then ask them what kind of consequences they can do for each other or together. Begin marking them on the sticks. Explain that you will no longer be the one who will dole out consequences or break up fights—it’s up to them to get along. Ask for suggestions of fun things they can do to get over the issue and toss those into the jar as well.

When they resist the consequence jar

Remind them of why they have the Get Along Jar and ask if they would rather be alone in doing chores or if they would like ______________ (fill in blank for the ultimate consequence).

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For more of Heather’s great perspective on motherhood, check out Heather’s book Mama Needs A Time-Out: Daily Getaways for the Mom’s Soul.

consequence jar ideas

Heather Riggleman
Heather Riggleman
Heather Riggleman calls Nebraska home (Hey, it’s not for everyone). She roams small towns looking for stories and coffee with her husband and three kids. She writes to bring the perspective of bold truths and raw faith into universal concepts women face from marriage, career, mental health, depression, faith, relationships, to celebration and heartache. Heather is a former national award-winning journalist and the author of Mama Needs a Time Out and Let’s Talk About Prayer. Her work has been featured on Proverbs 31 Ministries, MOPS, Today's Christian Woman and Focus On the Family. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram Instagram, or at

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