@sheridanellisCheck your purses …🥴 ##fyp ##psa ##forwhatitsworth ##safety♬ good 4 u – Olivia Rodrigo
The Texas-based artist explained that she doesn’t normally carry a purse, but needed one for the party to carry decorations.
“At the end of the night, I’m cleaning my purse out, and I find this,” she said, brandishing a small, square device. “If you don’t know what this is, it’s a Tile.”
A Tile is a small, bluetooth tracking device designed to help people find their keys, cell phone, and other small items. The device syncs with your cell phone app and can track your tile’s most recent location.
Sheridan says the Tile she found in her purse is not hers and she doesn’t know where it came from, leading her, and thousands of other TikTokers to believe that it was part of a plan to track Sheridan’s purse, and thus, Sheridan herself.
“I immediately took the battery out, don’t worry, but yeah… Check your purses and stay safe out there,” she ended the PSA.
The Tile very well may have fallen in her bag by accident, but it also could have been planted by a stranger who wanted to track her location. Sheridan says she didn’t contact police because she wasn’t sure when the tile landed in her bag, and she didn’t want to put the battery back in. She just wanted to share the scary discovery to warn others.
Women flocked to the comments with alarmed reactions and calls to report the incident right away.
“The police can definitely find out who purchased that and who downloaded the app registered to it. Go to the police,” one commenter wrote “That is very scary.”
Others disputed about whether or not the incident is true. Regardless, the PSA serves as yet another reminder to women everywhere to always be aware of your surroundings and personal property.