Christian Leaders, Please Stop Saying This About Divorce

Here’s the thing — there were no doubt people in that audience who have been waiting for a spouse to return and it has become increasingly obvious that reconciliation is not going to happen for them. What this man told them is that when their marriage dies, their hope and their calling dies with it, and not just their hope and calling but the hope and calling of their children. That is not okay.

God hates divorced christians?

God hates divorce. This is true. However, God also hates to see people go to hell. He hates it so much that He sent His Son to die so that we might have Hope. What if that person who just signed on the dotted line for their divorce believes what you said and gives up hope? What if they walk away from the church and never come back? Let’s not put marriages above souls. These people are at their most vulnerable and what they need to hear is this:

Fight for your  marriage. Fight with everything you’ve got. But when the dust clears, whether you come out with a marriage or not, you will come out with Jesus — and He is always enough. He will lift your head and dry your tears and He will give you a new calling. It’s going to be okay. Love is going to win. Fight with the confidence that even if you lose this battle, He has already won the war.

So, dear Christian leaders, I hate to be a dripping faucet, but I think that might be my new calling. Can we stop putting marriages above souls? Please? Thanks for serving Jesus. I know it’s not easy. I know sermons on marriage must be preached, but can we just make sure we don’t leave the most vulnerable people without hope? God is so much bigger than divorce. Keep fighting the good fight.

Your divorced, loved, and hope-filled friend,


This article originally appeared at Carried By Hope.

Amy Liebmann
Amy Liebmann
Amy is a busy single mother of three from North Carolina who runs on grace and coffee. She loves Jesus, her children, and creating art with words and food. Amy shares recipes and stories of pain, grace, and redemption at<>. She has a passion for encouraging single moms and all things chocolate and peanut butter. You can follow Amy on social media here: Facebook<>, Instagram<>, and Twitter<>.

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