When My 6-Year-Old Said “I Want to Be Like YOU”

He’s growing me in each of those areas, but I’m really not there yet.

As I sit here, listing off all the ways I’m NOT like Jesus, I’m tempted to be discouraged. All I can see is the ways that I fall short and how those insufficiencies affect the people around me. But then I hear Him telling me the same things I told Jenna the last time she and I had that conversation.

It’s fine.  

You have time.

That’s what you’re here for: to learn how to be like Me. That is the entire point.

 You’ll learn all of those things and it’s completely okay that you don’t have them all under control right this second. I’ll teach you when the time comes.

I love how much you want to be like me. You already ARE like me in more ways than you know. 

Try to get some rest. I love you.

 And, like my firstborn, I’m learning (very slowly) to obey and to rest in the truth that “God, who began the good work within [me], will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” (Phillipians 1:6, NLT)

We will get there, friend. Slowly, incrementally, but as sure as His promises, He’ll continue His work in us.


This article originally appeared at RobinDChapman.com.

Robin Chapman
Robin Chapman
Robin Chapman is a full-time imperfect wife and mama to four kids under six. She loves Jesus and hiding in her bathroom with a mug of something caffeinated. When she can, she enjoys photography, reading, and sharing stories of grace enough in her day-to-day life. You can find her atrobindchapman.com or on facebook or Instagram.

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