Yes, I CAN Be My Kids’ Friend AND Their Parent—and So Can You


When I finally embraced that “These children are my people. My friends. My tribe,” I tapped into an unexpected joy and energy during these wearisome residency years. One might say it’s just semantics, but I definitely get more pep in my step when I wake up thinking, “I’m not just parenting these children, but I’m doing life with my friends.”

Yes, indeed. I can be parent and friend. In the very same way that God created Adam to both rule over the earth and walk with him in the garden. The right semantics do make a difference.

So, on the Mother’s Day that is really every day, I want to thank my children for not only being the free-spirited, yet needy, crew that propels me to drink absurd amounts of coffee and wish for bedtime; but also for being the always-maturing friends who point me to life’s greatest truths. For reminding me that I’m indeed their parent. But, come what may, I’m also their forever friend.

(And, you know I can’t leave a post without a book review, so here it is: The Whole-Brain Child just rocked me world. While Parenting gave me a big-picture, theological context; this book gave me the most practical tools to better understand my child and thus have an even better awareness of when/how to show grace.)

Sarah Paschall
Sarah Paschall
Sarah Paschall is a follower of Christ, writer, educator, stay-at-home mom, medical spouse, and much more. She writes to find sanity, spread encouragement, and to process the everyday lessons through the lens of truth. She moves around a bit, but she's currently tending her chirpy little nest in South Carolina. You can consistently find her at her blog (, Instagram (@sarahapaschall), or through email ([email protected]).

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