Mama, You Need Rest, Too

In her book, Present Over Perfect, Shauna Niequist talks about “fake rest ” and oh am I ever guilty of this.

You know, everyone else is napping on Sunday afternoon and instead of napping yourself you decide to take care of business: catch up on laundry, clean the bathrooms, unload and reload the dishwasher, make cookies. After all those tasks are taken care of you fall out on the couch for a quick nap before running to the next activity because guess what, you’re exhausted.

Or it’s just me?

I fake rest instead of allowing myself to really rest because I’m trying to do it all and be it all when God – or my family – has never asked me for that.

Jesus rested. He found time to sneak away from his people and take naps when he needed to regroup from time to time. Remember the time he was sleeping so soundly on a boat during a massive storm that the apostles had to wake him up? (Mark 4:38-40) I don’t know about you but I want to sleep that soundly even if there are dirty dishes in the sink and toys on every square inch of our living room.

Katie Bell
Katie Bell
Katie is a glass-half-full kind of gal who lives in yoga pants and is fueled by Jesus, coffee, and laughing until it hurts. She is a wife to a handsome preacher (soon to be counselor) and mom to an almost two-year-old daughter with a little boy on the way. She is a book publicist for arguably the most fantastic PR Firm well, ever and is learning to lean in to the whole working mama thing and run from any sort of mom guilt.

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