Hi, B. It’s Mommy.
We had another fun day today. I’m so glad it’s warming up outside. You love being in the sunshine and I love seeing you happy, especially when we’re outdoors. My favorite thing so far is going on walks with you.
Remember our last walk down the street? I do. You were having so much fun “reading” your Peter Rabbit book as we walked around the track. I shielded you from the sun as it shined near your eyes.
I should be able to protect you from the sun’s rays for a long time. Probably until you’re old enough to refuse sunscreen, just like I did… ugh. Anyway, there’s something I won’t always be able to protect you from.
Mean people. Mean words.
You’re too small to understand what that kid yelled at us that day as he rode past us on his bicycle. I’m thankful for that. It’s not so much what he yelled this time; it was the intent, the underlying meaning. It wasn’t nice at all.
There was a stark difference between his rudeness and your sweet smile beaming from the stroller. When I looked from him to you, it hit me immediately: I was mad, and unfortunately it took me all of two seconds to get there — then that upset me.
I didn’t mean to get frustrated so fast. It’s just hard to believe there are kids who have been raised to behave like that. If they act that way toward me, a stranger, what’s stopping them from acting that way or worse to others? To kids at school?
I want you to be so much different from him.
Sometimes you seem shy to me and other times you couldn’t seem more opposite. No matter your personality someday, I hope you love Jesus and your family.
I hope you’re a friend to the person at school who needs a friend the most. You never know — he or she could be a dear pal saved just for you.
I hope you’re kind to people you don’t really know. Like “Hi, I’d like to unload your groceries for you” kind. The kind of nice where you take a Mother’s Day cupcake to your neighbor down the street, because you know she’s lonely without her children. (Ask your NeeNee about that last one. She has a really good heart.)