When it comes to being a mom, there’s no such thing as a “day off.” That, we’re all aware of.
But new research shows just how hard some moms are working.
A recent study by Welch’s surveyed 2,000 American moms of kids between the ages of five and 12 years old. What they found is that the average mom works 98 hours per week, which is the equivalent of two and a half full-time jobs!
It’s fair to note that there are only 168 hours in a week, so moms are literally working around the clock.
Of course, this comes as no surprise to anyone who has ever called themselves a mom, but let’s break down the numbers, shall we?
According to Welch’s, the average mom starts her day at 6:23 a.m. and doesn’t stop until around 8:31 p.m. (and Lord knows, that’s on a good day).
This means that most moms are clocking a MINIMUM of 14 hours of work per day, seven days a week, with many days taking a much greater toll on their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.
In case you didn’t already know mama, we are real-life superheroes.
According to the survey, the average mom is lucky to get about an hour and seven minutes to herself each day. For most women, even alone time is spent thinking about the next thing that needs to get done or hiding out in a bathroom for just a few minutes of peace.
Four out of 10 of the moms surveyed said their lives feel like never-ending series of tasks all week.
“The results of the survey highlight just how demanding the role of mom can be and the non-stop barrage of tasks it consists of,” said Casey Lewis, MS, RD and Health & Nutrition Lead at Welch’s.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 70 percent of moms with children under 18 participate in the workforce, meaning at least 40 hours of their week is already designated to a paid job. Now tap an additional 58 hours of work onto that and anyone could understand why mommin’ can be a monumental task.