11 Things People Don’t Realize You Are Doing Because of Your Anxiety

7. You think it’s your fault when someone doesn’t reply right away.

Whether it’s your significant other, your best friend, or sister, you constantly get worked up when people don’t respond to you. People without anxiety would usually not pay it any mind, but for you, it’s a huge deal. Usually, when people don’t answer you or text you back, you think that it’s all your fault. You always think that you did something wrong, when most likely, they are just terrible at communication.

8. You sometimes feel like you are having a breakdown every few days when mention of the future is brought up.

The future is a huge trigger for you. You hate when people ask you what your plans are for the next five years, and it will cause you to retreat. Graduating from high school and college for most people is very exciting, but for you, it can be incredibly daunting and scary. You hate when people talk about their own future because it makes you feel like you aren’t good enough.

9. You constantly compare your success to other people who are the same age as you.

You constantly see on Facebook that people your own age are getting their dream jobs, and it makes your head want to explode. You don’t want to compare yourself to others, but sometimes your anxiety gets the best of you and you can’t help it. You worry if you are ever going to measure up to them and if your goals are ever going to come true.

10. You replay every mistake you make, and always beat yourself up over it.

Especially if you make a mistake at work, it can consume your thoughts and can ruin your day, or even week. You constantly strive to do the best that you can do, but when you accidentally send something that you shouldn’t, or when you do something you weren’t supposed to do in the office, you can get really down on yourself. Anxiety can truly be your worst enemy.

11. On some days you are too physically and mentally exhausted to get out of bed.

Some days, your anxiety can be so strong, that you truly feel unable to do anything but lie in bed and cry. At times, the world can be way too much for your mind to handle, and you’ll need to take a few days off and rest your mind and tired body. Anxiety can have a huge effect on our health, and it is not something to brush off to the side. It can be truly harmful, and a lot of people don’t understand the effects it can have on an individual.


This piece was originally published on Thought Catalog, published with permission.

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