‘Mother-Son Sex Videos’ Is a Top Search Term On My Christian Website Every Day


Parents, you don’t just need to protect your kids from predators, you need to protect them FROM BECOMING ONE.

THAT is the new, frightening reason you need to shield your kids from porn. Those people searching for mother and son porn? They were NOT born wanting to see that. But exposure to pornography led them there, and turned their sexual desires into something frightening.

This could easily happen to our kids, if we aren’t careful. Not only do we need to SHIELD our kids from porn, we need to TALK to them about how harmful it is to their beautiful brains and to relationships, so that when they are old enough to be out from under our protections, they WON’T choose it. SO that when a friend tries to show it to them, they will say, “NO!”, so that when an internet search goes wrong, they will click off it immediately and TELL us about it.

Please, be vigilant. If we can stop the demand, we can slow it down. We can stop the demand by educating our kids about it and protecting them from it so when they are adults they won’t choose it.

Here are some resources to educate yourself about how to talk to your kids about porn: Protect Young Minds is a fantastic site and organization, as is Fight the New Drug, whose video on how porn affects the brain I am inserting below.

Moms and dads, it makes me sick to my stomach to even acknowledge this problem exists, much less write an entire article about it. But we CANNOT keep our heads in the sand. Your child’s future and future relationships may depend on you being vigilant and responsible in talking to them about and protecting them from porn. Please, please, please don’t shy away from this. And pray, pray, pray that your child’s future spouse’s parents aren’t shying away from it, either.

I am praying for all of you who read this today, that you will take action on this, and I ask that you do the same for me.

There are lots of “little things” in parenting that we can mess up and it not really matter. THIS is not one of those things. It matters. Let’s end the demand for porn by raising kids who REJECT it.

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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