Here’s to the Girl Dads

Here’s to the girl dads.

Here’s to the guys who love hiking and fishing.

Who camp and build things with their hands.

Who have tattoos on their arms,

Here’s to the guys guy,

That now hold a little girl.

Thanks for pausing the wrestling matches to conduct tea parties.

Thanks for babysitting baby dolls,

And letting tiny hands,

Put polish on your big toes.

Heather Thompson Day
Heather Thompson Day
Dr. Heather Thompson Day is an interdenominational speaker and contributor for Religion News Service, Newsweek and the Barna Group. She is also an Associate Professor of Communication at Colorado Christian University. She is passionate about supporting women, and runs an online community called I’m That Wife which has over 100k followers.  Heather’s writing has been featured on the Today Show, and she has been interviewed by BBC Radio Live. She believes her calling is to stand in the gaps of our churches for young people. She is the author of 6 books; including Confessions of a Christian Wife and How to Feed the Mediavore. She resides in Lakewood, Colorado with her husband, Pastor Seth Day, and their three children, London, Hudson, and Sawyer Day. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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