The Priceless Gift I’m Giving My 10-Year-Old Daughter

Dear Ten-Year-Old Daughter of Mine,

You do not know it is a gift – but I am telling you – it IS.

My daughter,  I’m giving you free thought.

I’m removing a tiny bit of peer pressure.

I’m not giving you a phone.

And I’m not granting you access to Instagram or Facebook or whatever new social snap chat IM kik app that exists.

You aren’t even going to speak that language.  

Not yet.

I don’t need your thanks now.

I’m not asking for it.

But it’s a gift nonetheless.

The days of comparing body types and body images and self-loathing or self-loving are not in your immediate future.

You will have time enough to struggle down those paths.

Time enough.

Right now here’s what I want you to think about your body –

Are my legs fast?

You bet.

Awesome.  Go run.

I love that you only brush your hair when I require it.


Lacey Keigley
Lacey Keigley
A mother and a writer, a tea drinker and a furniture rearranger, Lacey Eibert Keigley works by day as an educator to her half a dozen kids and works by night as a writer and editor at both and If life was measured by drives to the dentist and papers graded, she'd be a thousand years old already. As it is, she's a pretty normal age and is grateful for the journey she's taken to get to the Plan A life she's living, even when it's looked an awful lot like Plan B.

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