Trey Kennedy is known for his clean, funny, and all-too-relatable humor. Whether he’s imitating basic white girls in the Fall time, or perfectly depicting moms everywhere, the guy will have you rolling with laughter for hours.
This week’s video just might take the cake. Kennedy set out to be all moms preparing for Thanksgiving, and it’s painfully funny because it’s true!
He kicks the morning off, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed at 2 AM to “get started on dinner.”
In true mom fashion, the whole day is spent preparing dinner in a bathrobe, nagging at kids to put down the video games and help with something, and trying to keep track of a million food timers.
After struggling to haul the turkey in, he discovers that it’s still frozen, because, of course it is.
“Everything’s gonna be fine. By the time it thaws, I thought we could have it for Christmas.”
“Ten pounds?” he says, holding the turkey. “Reminds me of you young man. I don’t need any help carrying it, I did it without an epidural, so.”
With every single line, he captures the true essence of Thanksgiving—mom losing her mind and trying to do all of the Thanksgiving things without ACTUALLY killing her family.
“Monitor this? I’m gonna go get ready. I want to look really nice even though we’re not leaving the house.”
“You wanna explain this to me?” He says, pointing to a sink full of dishes. “The one day I asked you one time to just not leave a mess…”
Whether you’re a mom, have a mom, or both, you KNOW this is a conversation sometime throughout the day on Thanksgiving.
“Sweetie, go turn on the AC. I know it’s 22 degrees outside it gets hot in the kitchen.”
He perfectly ends the video by ordering three large pizzas and chucking the frozen turkey to the curb.
Here’s to you, moms! Whether you’re hosting Thanksgiving or wrangling the troops, we’re all just out here doing the same thing–trying to have a nice holiday with our family.