He Sent a Nude Picture to a “Girl” On Kik—5 Days Later He Was Dead

2. Don’t give access to social media and smart phones too young

Jake Curtis was 21, an intelligent young adult, and he still made an impulsive decision on social media that had devastating consequences. Do you really want to put that power in the hands of your13-year-old? If you’ve read much of what I write, you will know that denying your kids social media and smartphones until they are young adults is one of the best ways you can protect them.

3. Help your kids understand that what they text, message, or post online or on social media can never be erased.

If your kids are old enough, sit down and read this article with them.  Tell them Jake was a normal kid just like them. Yes, my 14 year-old son squirms when I show him articles like this, (maybe that’s because I sing a little  “Awkward talks with mom” theme song before I dive in, LOL) – but these talks always make an impression, and half the time he even says “thank you” to me for telling him.

4. Make sure your kids know they can ALWAYS turn to you for help, NO MATTER WHAT

When I was 15 or 16,  my mother, who volunteered at a crisis pregnancy center and saw lots of young girls in tough situations, told me that if I ever ended up a pregnant, unmarried teen or young adult that I should come to her for help and it would be ok. Now, I have to admit, I was shocked she even brought that up, and yes, it was awkward, because I was 100% expected to adhere to the Biblical doctrine of saving sex for marriage. Yet my mother loved me enough to let me know that if I didn’t, and I faced that huge consequence, that it would BE OKAY. You see, she knew that there were worse things than a pregnant teenage daughter. Make sure your kids know that there is NOTHING they could ever do that would make you love them any less. In this day and age, you should SPECIFICALLY talk about online blackmail and sextortion and sexting and the life-long consequences they can have. And while they need to know that YES these things WILL HAVE consequences, but that if and when it comes to that, you will face them TOGETHER.

Additionally, check out this video from THORN, a non-profit whose aim is to stop sextortion. It is awesome to share with your kids as well.

And finally, I encourage you to take the time to watch Megyn Kelly’s interview with Jake’s parents. You could be them. Your child could be Jake. None of us is immune. Allow THEIR story to change YOURS.

I Found Nude Selfies on My 12-Year-Old’s Tablet, and That’s Not Even the Worst Part



Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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